Selecting The Right Person For The Right Job

succes strategies

Do you need help for your business and feel the anxiety and pressure of selecting the right candidate to hire for your team?

A hiring mistake can cost your company over $100,000. That’s scary.

It is even riskier to not hire help when your business is overburdened and jeopardizes the health and productivity of your current team, leading to employee burnout and decreased profitability.

There is currently an abundance of talent. So, how can you prepare for the selection interview to avoid a potentially catastrophic hiring mistake?

Here are our 7 Steps to Make sure you have the Right Person, in the Right Job, Creating the Right relationship:

  1. Make Time. A new hire is more than a $100,000 decision for your company. Set aside time in your calendar when you’re at your best energy level and approximately 3 hours to build trust and authentic sharing with candidates.
  2. Loop in HR. Conduct background checks for all candidates.
  3. Read and Highlight key points in the candidates behavioral survey, which is used as a tool to assist in the interview to help determine a candidate's “can do” in the role and if they are naturally comfortable doing what is required of the job, and ask 4-5 questions that let the candidate share examples of each behavior in action: *Drive & Ambition, Aggressiveness, Sociability, Ability to Overcome Resistance, Behavioral Energy, Motivation* (Pro Tip: Use Where, When, How, questions instead of “why” inquiries which could cause the candidate to become defensive. )
  4. Ask the tough questions about a candidate’s shortcomings and challenges.
  5. Call References. We suggest asking for the following:
    - Prior employers (not their current employer) & validate their term of employment, job role, & ask for “off the record” commentary. Favorable comments are neutral. Negative comments are a flag.
    - Personal Reference: How would they describe the candidate? What is the candidate notorious for?
    - Two Peer References: How would they describe the candidate? What type of “team player” were they? What is the candidate notorious for?
  6. Surf the Internet and evaluate the candidate’s web presence. You’ll be looking for congruence with the job role and team fit. Think about the saying, ‘You are the company you keep’. Look to see if their values and relationships match your company’s culture by checking: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc.
  7. KnowledgeWave Content: If you’re a BQC client, take advantage of the additional resources available to you on our website. We have hours of content created to help you select the right future employee.

This next generation of College graduates has dealt with increased social, health, and economic pressures.

By properly preparing for the selection interview, you can feel confident you will be strengthening your organization with the new hire.

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